작성일자 : 2023-11-05
Ver 0.1.1
0. Tabpy
1. Tabpy 설치
1) Anaconda에 가상환경 생성
conda create --name tabpy-env python=3.8.
2) tabpy 설치
pip install tabpy
3) tabpy 실행
http://localhost:9004/를 통해 tabpy 실행 확인
2. Tableau Desktop에서 tabpy 연결
1) 상단 '도움말' 탭 -> '설정 및 성능' -> '분석 확장 프로그램 연결 관리'
2) 호스트 이름과 포트에 각각 'localhost', '9004' 입력
3. 에러
(09-27) 구글링을 통해 가이드 대로 tabpy를 설치했으나 원인은 모를 에러가 발생했다. 터미널에서 실행하여 실행된것 같았으나, Tableau Deskop에서 연결하고 자할 때 아래와 같이 '동작을 완료할 수 없습니다'라는 에러가 발생했다.
(base) limjongjun@jeijeiui-MacBookAir ~ % tabpy
2023-09-27,20:32:01 [INFO] (app.py:app:300): Parsing config file /Users/limjongjun/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tabpy/tabpy_server/app/../common/default.conf
2023-09-27,20:32:01 [INFO] (app.py:app:363): Setting max request size to 104857600 bytes
2023-09-27,20:32:01 [INFO] (app.py:app:527): Loading state from state file /Users/limjongjun/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tabpy/tabpy_server/state.ini
WARNING: This TabPy server is not currently configured for username/password authentication. This means that, because the TABPY_EVALUATE_ENABLE feature is enabled, there is the potential that unauthenticated individuals may be able to remotely execute code on this machine. We strongly advise against proceeding without authentication as it poses a significant security risk.
Do you wish to proceed without authentication? (y/N): y
2023-09-27,20:32:02 [INFO] (app.py:app:492): Password file is not specified: Authentication is not enabled
2023-09-27,20:32:02 [INFO] (app.py:app:411): Call context logging is disabled
2023-09-27,20:32:02 [INFO] (app.py:app:181): Initializing TabPy...
2023-09-27,20:32:02 [INFO] (callbacks.py:callbacks:43): Initializing TabPy Server...
2023-09-27,20:32:02 [INFO] (app.py:app:185): Done initializing TabPy.
2023-09-27,20:32:02 [INFO] (callbacks.py:callbacks:64): Initializing models...
2023-09-27,20:32:02 [INFO] (app.py:app:151): Web service listening on port 9004